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Three Reasons You Should Not Wear Your Wig To Bed

Chances are if you're a regular wig- wearer, you're likely familiar with heavy-duty, long-term wig adhesives. But it's important to understand the potential consequences...

Many people are enthralled with the idea that you can wear a wig for longer than a day, and even up to a month with the same tiny application of powerful stuff like Ghost Bond Glue. But it's important to understand the potential consequences. That said, for some special occasions, you may want to treat yourself to the security and comfort these stronger adhesives guarantee. Otherwise, here are three important warnings to consider.

1. Wearing a wig overnight will shorten the life of your wig.

If you have worn a wig overnight, even if you've wrapped it in a scarf or kept a bonnet over top to preserve the style, you probably noticed a couple of things. The first being that it isn't overly comfortable to sleep in a wig (even if you have a perfectly fit one), particularly if it's warm. Our bodies and especially our heads release toxins as a natural part of our sleep cycles.

The second thing you've probably noticed is that the wig, and the hair specifically, may not hold up nearly as long as it would if you were to keep it on a wig block or wig head (we recommend investing in a canvas covered cork head because of the nice weight and natural head shape-- also, canvas head wigs are generally safe for using hot styling tools, unlike styrofoam which will melt upon contact.)

2. A long-term adhesive on your skin can be irritating or harmful

Think about how irritating a bandaid can be on your skin after a single long day. Now imagine an industrial strength glue. Many of these longer-term glues are so powerful, you only need a tiny drop near each ear to keep most of a front glued down. And although there are plenty of removers available, the combination or just one or the other can really do damage to your skin. Particularly the sensitive area around your face, and if you have baby hairs on the nape of your neck. Very often, people struggle to easily remove these stronger glues that are meant to be worn over a long period of time.

3. Glue will inevitably damage fine lace.

Even if you take absolute care in removing all glue from your skin, baby hairs, and the lace on your wig after every application, front lace (the fine lace along the hairline) is not indestructible. If it were, it may not be as transparent! Over time, glue applications will shorten the life of your wig and your investment.

The best option is always a perfectly fit wig, that even with a lace front won't require glue. Otherwise, gentle water-based and those that can be removed easily with water, are ideal. If you feel unnatural or uncomfortable without a wig on, particularly if a medical condition had suddenly caused hair loss, you may want to consider one of the beautiful scarves, head wraps, or turbans we offer. Give your head and scalp a break overnight and keep your wig happy and healthy on a quality wig head or block to enjoy for a long time to come.

If you're wondering what a perfect fit should feel like, or need some guidance in choosing one of our wigs that will fit you like a glove, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to help you find the perfect wig!

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